Bitcoin – The Investor vs. The Acquirer

Back in 2013, Dave Ripley became fascinated with Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency market was gaining notoriety and Ripley and a friend decided to start Glidera, a company focused on creating tools to help developers integrate cryptocurrency.

Ripley and his partner applied for and won a spot in Techstars, an accelerator that takes between 6% and 8% equity in the businesses they accept in return for access to an intensive start-up curriculum and a network of advisors.

They sold another chunk of the company to a group of Techstars advisors and finally sold the whole business to Kraken, one of the world’s largest bitcoin exchanges.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

– The difference between pitching your company to an investor vs. an acquirer

– Why Bitcoin is growing as an alternative to the world’s fiat currencies

– How accelerators like Techstars work

– How not to get taken advantage of in the incestuous world of angels

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The Latest Built to Sell Forbes Column

The Build vs. Buy Equation – If you’re wondering what your business might be worth to an acquirer, there is a simple calculation you can use. Let’s call it “The Build vs. Buy Equation”.

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