Video from April 27 Fair Shake Meeting: How This Big Idea Aligns With Quad Cities’ Broad Growth Plans
Big Waterfall Idea Video Example from Osaka, Japan
News Media Coverage
(May 3) Bill Churchill Letter to the Editor
(May 11) KWQC – Mayor Moline Says Not Practical At this Time but no reporter asks her what exactly is not practical
Myths vs Truths About Repurposing a Portion of the Old I-74 Bridge
During the public input process for the new I-74 bridge, key facts regarding the old I-74 bridge were were withheld from the citizens. In some cases, deliberate misinformation was and is being spread. These are the facts as we know them.
Myth #1: This is case closed, the demolition contract has already been awarded, the bridge is being torn down now and it’s too late.
Reality: No, the bridge over the water will not be demolished until sometime in 2022 and a request for proposal has yet to be posted, much less a contract awarded.
Myth #2: The DOT estimated it will cost millions to maintain the bridge.
Reality: Based on recent discussions with DOT officials, a realistic cost estimate of annual maintenance required for the pier-park usage of the proposed portion of the old bridge will be a very small fraction of the millions previously cited in various media outlets.
Myth #3: The new bridge will have a bike and pedestrian path, that’s enough.
Reality: The bike and pedestrian path on the new bridge will re-establish a transportation link that has been missing for decades. It is most importantly just that, a means to get from one city to another. And, the observation spot on the new bridge is approximately 1/8th the size of the proposed Vets Pier Sky Park which commands views unhindered by busy, loud interstate traffic.
Get the latest about the Vets Pier proposal.