Vets Pier Sky Park on the Mississippi River

Video from April 27 Fair Shake Meeting: How This Big Idea Aligns With Quad Cities’ Broad Growth Plans 

Big Waterfall Idea Video Example from Osaka, Japan


News Media Coverage 


Myths vs Truths About Repurposing a Portion of the Old I-74 Bridge

During the public input process for the new I-74 bridge, key facts regarding the old I-74 bridge were were withheld from the citizens. In some cases, deliberate misinformation was and is being spread. These are the facts as we know them.


Myth #1: This is case closed, the demolition contract has already been awarded, the bridge is being torn down now and it’s too late. 
Reality: No, the bridge over the water will not be demolished until sometime in 2022 and a request for proposal has yet to be posted, much less a contract awarded. 


Myth #2: The DOT estimated it will cost millions to maintain the bridge.
Reality: Based on recent discussions with DOT officials, a realistic cost estimate of annual maintenance required for the pier-park usage of the proposed portion of the old bridge will be a very small fraction of the millions previously cited in various media outlets. 


Myth #3: The new bridge will have a bike and pedestrian path, that’s enough.
Reality: The bike and pedestrian path on the new bridge will re-establish a transportation link that has been missing for decades. It is most importantly just that, a means to get from one city to another. And, the observation spot on the new bridge is approximately 1/8th the size of the proposed Vets Pier Sky Park which commands views unhindered by busy, loud interstate traffic. 


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